Main Cookies we Use
Google Adsense: Advertising provider on our website.
Google Analytics:Analytics is a statistics provider in Findonlinecontacts, with Analytics we measure user behavior in order to make decisions according to general behavior and optimize Findonlinecontacts.
Youtube: We use Google player to show certain videos in posts, and may use cookies in their data collection.
Facebook: We give users the ability to register using the Facebook API and log in.
Jquery: Used to give dynamism and speed to the website.
Own Cookies: We use them in certain parts of the website to save your preferences on your device.
The information obtained through these cookies, referred to the user's computer, may be combined with your personal data only if you are a registered user of the site. is registered on this website.
You can
disable cookies in your browser settings for example:
Chrome, from
Explorer, from
Firefox, from
Safari, from
Or you can
revoke the consent of the cookies,
Revocation of Cookie Consent:
Click here to revoke.
other third-party tools, available online, that allow users to detect cookies on each website they visit and manage their deactivation (for example, Ghostery:,
Storage on your computer (browser)
These services may generate third-party cookies, which are also stored on your browser device.